
“Carne: The Unsustainable Footprint” is the first Portuguese documentary to address the urgency of a change in the eating patterns of the world’s population, privileging a plant-based diet over one based on animal protein. Independent MEP Francisco Guerreiro, from the Verdes/Aliança Livre Europeia Group in the European Parliament, reunites with director Hugo de Almeida to develop a film based on interviews with several national and international experts, which has its world premiere scheduled for November 25, at 6:30 pm, at the Cinema Fernando Lopes (Lisbon).

Produced by Francisco Guerreiro and directed by Hugo de Almeida, the duo that created the web seriesRendimento Básico Incondicional: um caminho de liberdade“, this documentary is filmed in countries such as Portugal, Lebanon, the United Kingdom, France and Belgium, despite focusing on the Portuguese reality, and is narrated by actor Heitor Lourenço.

With more than 20 interviews with experts in the field, as well as people who have adopted a plant-based diet, “Carne: the unsustainable footprint” also features the biologist, writer and regular “The Guardian” columnist, George Monbiot, professor, Gabriel Mateus, and the founders of the animal sanctuary Quinta das Águias, Ivone and Joep Ingen Housz.

This documentary is a warning about the harmful consequences that current eating habits are having on the planet, human health and animal welfare. In a climate and biodiversity crisis such as the one we are experiencing, social and economic tensions are likely to worsen. Thus, we sought to give a voice to experts and inform about the existence of alternatives that, at various levels, are less harmful to the future of Humanity and the Planet“, considers Francisco Guerreiro.

The world premiere of “Carne: the unsustainable footprint” is scheduled for November 25 (Saturday), at 6:30 pm, at Cinema Fernando Lopes (Lisbon). Admission will be free, but, due to the limited capacity of the room, prior registration is required through www.carnedoc.com.

In addition to the capital, the documentary will also be screened in Porto, Faro and Setúbal (dates, times and locations to be announced soon) before being made available online in April next year.

The most recent data indicate that the Portuguese case is a paradigm, in terms of eating habits, of the global problem we face“, says Francisco Guerreiro, presenting examples: “The Portuguese continue to be the largest consumers of fish and aquaculture products per capita in the European Union. This overconsumption is also seen in livestock products, according to statistics.”

Please note that, in April this year, the MEP had already commissioned a market study from Intercampus on the eating habits of the Portuguese population. The main findings showed that 66% of the Portuguese consider that price is the biggest barrier to the consumption of alternatives to animal protein. The same study also indicates that 88% of respondents are omnivores (eat animal and plant products), more men (91%) than women (84%), and the main reason behind this choice is “the pleasure of eating” (72%). Those who opt for a meat-free diet say their main motivation is “respect for animals” (76%).

Finally, the study found that the intention to reduce the consumption of animal products is manifested by 33% of respondents and 55% are thinking of replacing meat with plant-based “meat”.


Screenplay: Helena de Sousa Freitas / Hugo de Almeida
Research: Sandra Marques / Helena de Sousa Freitas / Luís Teixeira / Hugo de Almeida
Film Crew: Hugo de Almeida / Tiago Ferreira
Web Development:  Hugo de Almeida / Paulo Lopes
Proofreading: Luís Teixeira / Sandra Marques / Helena de Sousa Freitas
Creative Screenplay: Helena de Sousa Freitas
Narration: Heitor Lourenço
Editing, Motion graphics, Color Grading: Hugo de Almeida
Production Brussels: Francisco  Calçada
Executive Producer: Sandra Marques
Producer: Francisco Guerreiro
Director: Hugo de Almeida